Happy New Year

Before the year gets away from me and everyone is out celebrating, I wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone out there in cyberspace and give you a glimpse of what's on the calendar for 2017 for Stephie Walls.
February 1st, 2017 - Fallen Woman release date
April 2017 - Bound by Love will re-release under a new ISBN with a completely redone manuscript. I'm switching the sub-genre from erotica to contemporary romance and giving it a new look! Annie and Gray will meet the world again with a fresh look and feel.
May/June 2017 - Mirage, the companion novel to chimera will release. I don't have a firm date on this one but be on the look out for Nate's story and life after Bastian.
July 2017 - Busy busy busy! Freed will also rerelease under a new ISBN, revamped, and in a new package! And the A Secret Affair girls are back at it with a new anthology - Seven Deadly Sins. You are not going to want to miss this dark romance anthology.
September/October - I'm planning to get a companion novel out for Beauty Mark. Everyone wants Hayden's story so I'm hoping to have that out before Halloween. Fingers Crossed.
I have signings in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Florida going on as well so check out the events tab to see where I'll be and come see me!
Again, thank you for all of the support in 2016. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Stephie xoxo