December Happenings

I'm still amped up from the release of and response to Beauty Mark. I couldn't be happier with how well it's done and the positive feedback I've gotten from readers and bloggers. If you've had the opportunity to read it, please post a review on Amazon and Goodreads!
So, as I come down from the high of a new release, I'm working behind the scenes and trying to take it easy in December. There are so many things on the calendar for next year that I'm working feverishly to get them all done and may not be around publicly as much as I am normally.
The cover reveal for Fallen Woman is going to happen in January with the release following on February 1st, 2017! Keep your eyes peeled.
I'm also part of a Holiday Rafflecopter Giveaway with eight other amazing ladies. There are tons of prizes up for grabs and a grand prize of $100 Amazon gift card. Click on the link and get acquainted with some of my favorite people in the Indie community! The giveaway is open until December 18th.
Happy Holidays,
Stephie xoxo