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Life got in the way...

I had planned to have Traffic and Strangers out in April/May respectively, unfortunately, life got in the way. It has been a tough year for me personally but I'm making head way and getting back on track. With that, Traffic has been sent to editing (I hope to have it back this weekend) and will be released in early August. Strangers will follow shortly there after for anyone who isn't an Amazon user.

I have also made the decision to pull my novels from KDP (Amazon exclusive) and will be adding them back to Barnes & Noble and iBooks in the next few days. The shorts will all stay in KDP Select but Strangers (the compilation of the shorts) will be avaialble on Amazon, B&N, and iBooks!

I'm also in the midst of two other projects I hope to finish by the end of the year, Compass, the next book in the Siren Song Series and chimera. chimera is a special project I've been working on for six months, completely out of my genre, and so far, my greatest love. I can't wait to share it with the world!

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